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    Led zeppelin, music history

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    Which Led Zeppelin album features the song 'Stairway to Heaven'?

    What was the title of Led Zeppelin's fourth album, released in 1971?

    What is the title of Led Zeppelin's fourth studio album?

    Which member of Led Zeppelin played the drums?

    Which of these is a famous venue where Led Zeppelin performed live concerts?

    What is the title of the debut album by Led Zeppelin's frontman, Robert Plant, released in 1988?

    What famous rock festival did Led Zeppelin headline in 1969?

    What is the name of Led Zeppelin's debut album?

    Which album by Led Zeppelin features the song 'Stairway to Heaven'?

    What was the name of Led Zeppelin's lead vocalist?

    What year was Led Zeppelin formed?

    What was the original name of Led Zeppelin's guitarist, Jimmy Page, before he changed it?

    What is the title of Led Zeppelin's fourth studio album?

    Who was the lead guitarist for Led Zeppelin?

    What was the original name of Led Zeppelin before they changed it to their current name?

    Which song by Led Zeppelin features a riff using a violin bow on the guitar strings?

    What song by Led Zeppelin features a famous guitar riff known as 'Whole Lotta Love'?

    Which Led Zeppelin song opens with a distinctive guitar riff known as 'Black Dog'?